Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Tuesday, November 26

1. Watched video on sea level rise and identified various cities that would be under water: https://youtu.be/VbiRNT_gWUQ

- We then read the article found here and answered all 5 questions:

2. Watched this tutorial on how to use the online map: https://youtu.be/6Wl4B7WevSQ

3. We then used the ipads to go to this website and spent some time exploring what would happen in coastal cities throughout the united states and Canada https://riskfinder.climatecentral.org

Next class you will need to do the associated data tables

Friday, 22 November 2019

Friday, November 22

1. watched this video:https://youtu.be/_UjAxuSuLIc and this one: https://youtu.be/QHK2Zg5OibI

2. read the rubber ducky article from here: https://betterlesson.com/lesson/631913/currents-and-the-great-ducky-spill?from=favorites

3. We watched this Bill Nye video: https://youtu.be/w_8mw-1HYFg

4. We mapped the path of the rubber duckies using this map

4. We then watched the first 30 min of the movie chasing coral (you can find it on Netflix)

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Wednesday Nov 20

1. Video on cell phone addiction: https://youtu.be/sL8AsaEJDdo

2. review salinity graph
3. went through all the definitions for the water cycle
4. Did a walk and talk with 6 water stories found here: https://betterlesson.com/lesson/resource/3236635/water-story-cards

5. Exit ticket today

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Tuesday, November 19

1. Review Salinity
2. Graph Salinity - We did the Atlantic ocean together and you needed to graph the pacific ocean on your own. We did questions #1-4

3. We also started lesson 7.1 Today (Salinity and the Water Cycle) found here: https://betterlesson.com/lesson/639200/water-cycle-salinity?from=favorites

videos for today:

Monday, 18 November 2019

Monday, November 18

1. Review passive and active continental margins
2. Videos:
salinity: https://youtu.be/jzTBR2APU-k
the dead sea: https://youtu.be/qIipINltwUk
the oceans layers:https://youtu.be/TxdiU3LJlZ8

3. We did fill in the blanks notes on salinity and density.

Looked at a map from space of ocean salinity (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/aquarius/multimedia/gallery/pia14786.html

Friday, 15 November 2019

Friday November 15

1. discussed parts of passive continental margins and did fill in the blanks diagram *good test questions*
2. watched this video: https://youtu.be/c0vDr2GnOOo on passive vs active continental margins
3. finished fill in the blanks notes

Wednesday Nov 13 double block

1. tides lesson: https://betterlesson.com/lesson/631909/tides?from=search

Note: we handed the graph in for marks (not accepting late work for this one)

Tuesday November 12

1. Pink Sheet questions from text book.
2. Oceanography fill in the blank notes

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Tuesday, November 12

Sorry for going off grid there fore a while

Today we started our new unit on Oceans
1. Fill in the blank notes
2. Pink sheet with 13 questions on it. Should be done up to #4 today.